You’re smart, capable and have risen through the ranks.

 But you’re also overwhelmed, secretly harboring self-doubt (helllooo Impostor Syndrome!) and worry that you can't handle your Big Job.

I’ve got you.

Nothing has gone wrong. 
You're just relying on past methods that got you results...but don't work anymore.

You overload yourself with tasks, overworking to try to get on top of your to-do lists.

You feel the intense pressure to meet everyone's expectations and don't know how to shake loose from the stress.

You think the path to confidence is being productive -- but doing more, working harder, trying to please more people -- all that makes things worse.

What you want most is to feel calm and confident in your role. To stop worrying over details that keep you awake at night. To know how to deal with difficult people rather than replaying interactions long after they're over. To stop being in a hurry all of the time.

You want to feel GOOD at your job again like you did earlier in your career.

You want to feel as confident as other people think you are.

Hi, I'm Jo!

I've hired, trained, mentored, and managed over 5,000 people in leadership positions. In over 30+ years of leading leaders, I know what it takes to be confident inside and out.

But when I was first promoted? I completely overworked myself because I was so overwhelmed.💥

I had all the tendencies of a high performer on overdrive:

 People Pleasing.


 Striving to prove to everyone (including myself) that I deserved my high position.

No one told me that there was a difference between being a high performer and a capable leader (who didn't run around like a multitasking maven, with her hair on fire....)

It took a bit, but I realized that doing more was never the answer.

I just needed the skills to manage myself better.

I needed to calm down(!!), rise above my tasks, make solid decisions, and keep communicating with everyone around me.

And once I nailed that, I finally stopped overworking. I stopped worrying so much about all the things I couldn't control. And the most shocking thing of all? I got better results by doing less.

The hardest part? Shifting my beliefs and loosening my grip on being a high-achiever who had to do it all.

It's time for you to learn the leadership lessons no one has taught you.


Introducing Completely Confident Leadership 

A 5-month program that teaches you how to be confident from the inside out.

Better self-beliefs. Better leadership skills.

This ISN'T a self-guided self-help course. It's a personalized mentorship and coaching program that takes you step-by-step through every lesson to become the authentic, capable, competent leader you long to be.  

Here's How It Works:

Own your Strengths.

We start with YOU. We do a deep-dive onboarding assessment to understand your glorious, brilliant, natural gifts fully. The easy-breezy way you get results. Guess what? I bet you're not leveraging your strengths nearly enough. This is good news ~ you're closer than you think to easeful work-life balance.


Manage your Inner World.

Self-awareness + self-management = ability to handle pressure, challenging personalities, and office drama. You'll rise above rather than feel pulled under by stressful interactions. (Learn how to calm your nervous system instantly, so you'll sleep better!)



Confidently manage others.

Give direct feedback. Resolve conflict. Speak persuasively. Be decisive. Make clear requests. Be commanding in your own skin.

You're ready to ask for a promotion, a raise, or for more support.
This is the realm of 'executive presence.'


Along the way, we'll blow up tendencies that are holding you back: 

People Pleasing. 

⛔ Impostor Syndrome.

⛔ Holding back. Not-speaking up.

⛔ Staying small, not trusting yourself.

⛔ And filling in the confidence gap with waaaay more work than is sustainable.

You know what all this adds up to?


That’s what you get inside Completely Confident Leadership. Solid self-confidence because you have better skills.


It’s not hard. It doesn’t take a lot of time. But if you could have gotten there on your own, you’d be there by now. 


I’m your teacher, coach, guide. Your loving big sister that knows the way, cheers you on, and kicks you in the butt (occasionally and in the nicest of ways). You get results with a path, plan and personalized attention you haven't tried yet. 

Dozens (hundreds, even!) have gone before you on this journey. Are you next?

You can get started right away! 

When you hit 'submit' you'll immediately get access to the full members portal and an invitation to our next group call. 


Here's What You Get:

💥Lifetime access to every leadership lesson. Simple frameworks to learn and practice until they become second nature. You'll radically improve your skills with 20-minute bite-sized videos on all the things:

     ➡️ Leadership skills: Resolve conflict, make direct requests, positively influence and motivate others, become a powerful public speaker, and deal with difficult personalities...

     ➡️ Personal Development: ask for what you want, advocate for yourself, and land a promotion. Or kickstart with a job search, nail your interview skills, negotiate a package, and land 'Your Next' big thing...

💥Join two coaching calls/week. Because integrating the lessons is personal, you get individual attention for where you need help in a small-group community of like-minded sisters.

💥Enjoy Bonuses like Special Speakers who come inside our group to coach on their areas of expertise. 

💥MASTERCLASS ENROLLMENT BONUS Kickoff 1:1 goal-setting session with Jo! A bonus to hyperfocus on your specific leadership result.

After five months?

You might not recognize yourself ~ what you believe and how you behave😍 ~ And you might want to do another round (over half my clients do, and enjoy bonus 1:1 sessions as an Alumni client)

It's Time To Invest In Yourself!

  Join the five-month program, Completely Confident Leadership, for a one-time payment of $3000 or six monthly payments of $550.


Want to talk with me about it first? Let's connect on a call to discuss if this is right for you!


Have Questions? I've Got Your Answers!


*I'm not a leader ~ is this really for me? Oh HECK YEAH! Inside this program you'll learn skills to use in every area of your LIFE. These lessons help you KNOW what job is right for you, NAIL an interview, work with difficult people, find your voice in sticky situations...all the realms where you long to be confident.

Funfact! The modules I most commonly recommend (when clients reach out for suggestions) are in the SELF-SUPPORT section (and not necessarily about 'leadership' at all) ➡️ emotional regulation, calming your nervous system, 'the sleepytime special', raising your energy, happiness hacks and more!

*What if I cannot join the live coaching calls? No worries, they're recorded and sent to you for replay. Sometimes listening to others being coached is even more instructive than being in the hot seat.

*How much time per week will this course take? The modules in our member's portal are about 20 minutes apiece. Each week I'll assign one; listen to it if you choose and let the training drift over you, trying new tactics in your work week. The coaching calls are an hour, to discuss the results of your new actions or thoughts. Transformation happens not in listening to the lessons or calls, but in trying new things, and seeing change happen.

*Do I have to do the course in a certain order? Nope! You will have all the content (in an app on your phone if you so choose) and you can hop around, choosing topics that suit you. Voxer Jo for personalized input, Q&A, and feedback.

*How do I get personalized attention? Each member has a private onboarding call, where we create a customized leadership roadmap, personalized for you. As you connect with the group, and Jo as your coach, your unique story is known. Our small group format creates intimacy for your growth and support.


What My Clients Say

I've been part of this group for less than a month and the lessons so far have been life-changing. Thanks, Jo!

~I.R. Tech Program Manager


When I first called you, I was so desperate! I couldn't get started fast enough. I was crying all the time. I had what I thought was 'my dream job' and yet I was completely overwhelmed. 

I've come so far in 6 months. I was beating myself up. I felt responsible for everything. Oh, the people pleasing!! Trying to prove myself as a good leader to everyone. Honestly, I thought I was going to quit. And I'm proud of how far I've come. Six months feels like such a long time ago, but then again, it feels really quick. Now I love my job! I cannot thank you enough.

~M.T. Chief Operating Officer, non-profit sector


Before I started with you, my confidence was rocked. I felt SO not good enough for my promotion. I was just AFRAID, scared of being at this high level. It started affecting my personal life. But with you, I learned so much about myself. I became brave, and bold. I see that I'm intelligent; I know things. I'm calm. I feel so different, and I'm navigating challenges with my staff so much more confidently because of coaching. I tell everyone: DO IT. I knew nothing about coaching before. I thought it was like learning what to do. But it's had mind-blowing impact on me as a person and how I interact in the world with others. I love you, Jo 💗

~M.S. Director, Healthcare sector